Monday, April 28, 2014

Malaysian are really last minute type of people (here one yearly example)

IRB all set for last-minute rush:

PETALING JAYA: The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has taken measures to accommodate the massive last-minute rush expected from hundreds of thousands of taxpayers attempting to file their returns by the 11.59pm deadline on Wednesday. Besides opening service counters during the weekends this month,  IRB has increased the Internet bandwidth for the e-filing website by three-fold.

Denial when you just want things your way

Malaysia must ensure non-Muslims in the country also have equal opportunites as its Muslim majority if the Southeast Asian nation wanted to continue prospering, United States President Barack Obama said today of his landmark visit, 48 years after the last American president paid a visit.
"Malaysia won't succeed if the non-Muslims do not have the same opportunity,” Obama said in a townhall meeting for Asean youths at Dewan Tunku Cancelor in University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur today.
Obama said non-Muslims in Malaysia are currently facing hostility, and some have felt oppressed.

Well said by US president to our government leaders eventhough they will remain arrogant and ignorant to their own people. Nothing will change for now. At least outsiders do understand and hearing our frustration well.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Plastic surgery trending

Kind of worrisome where this trend attracting female and male to do surgery to create their perfect dream face they wish to have for years now. We are losing our identity and we unable to accept flaw anymore? What kind of society where girls already born pretty but they still thinking they are ugly when they look into the mirror.

To be honest, with all the surgery going on, I myself cannot differentiate most of the famous Korean singers as they all look so similiar to each other. Everyone of us are unique but society expecting flawless beauty. Yes, in business reality where those beauty one has more advantage, however this is going overboard.

Where is our inner beauty? Are we taught and perceive we to be value only based on outer beauty only?

south korea plastic surgery




Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Deed you have done, end with respect others will show in the end

Nowdays people do tend to live and brag what they have done for others and boasting constantly. But when you are doing good deed and help others, you do NOT need to keep telling the people that you are helping them as a constant reminder to them that you have helped them. This is not call helping, you telling them owed you for your effort of so call helping.

When you help someone or anyone, you do it because you willing to it without expecting any repay back. If you list down those assistance you have done for others, but it is call repayment required.

He is unsung hero who have done so much and dedicated most of his life to his country and passion to improve his country. When he passed away in sudden, he has make many people with different races and ages cried for his selfless effort to others needed his help and always humble till the end. 

When 25,000 Malaysian attend his funeral for final farewell in peaceful manner. He had touched many lives and done what he intended to do in his life. Included those do not attend but do mourned for his sudden death. Hope we will have more people like him and set him as an example on how we should stand up what is right,more humble and selfless. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

TRUST and emo

Lesson learnt where trust is broken too severe, no way it can amend.

If someone claim it will never ever happen again, it is highly doubt in trusting the person word by mouth. A person can swear and promise like it is he or she depend on the trust but action speak louder than words. When broken too frequently and repeatly and saying sorry will not repent it.

Even the person may confident it will never happen, when you know it will happen again and again. Don't ever try to put any hope on the trust will fix anymore, as you only in illusion. People don't change, need to accept this.

1) Will you accept someone who hack your personal information back into your life and requested to tell your information if you want to give the trust but why on earth should I give trust to a person to hack my stuff? Do I have the right to be mad and angry? Pretend it is nothing right?

2) Will you accept someone who threaten to kill you and want to bring you down till you are humiliated by your peers when the person under anger mode? but then...after cooling off, stating it just emotional talking. When you have hurt someone feeling, saying sorry will not able to retract your words back. As it has imprinted to the person feeling and mind how much shock and sadness need to endure.

3) Will you accept someone who feel you need to be control as you are too carefree and not conservative enough to his expectation. Chatting with a guy is assuming you wanting to hook up with the guy when you just had a brief chat with the friend.

4) Will you accept someone who telling you are hurting him or her most of the time and insisting you only thinking about yourself when you have been trying hard to voicing out the issues and looking at both side when he or she only look on their own pain but the other party also facing pain by themselves without others knowing at all?

5) Will you accept someone who you keep on arguing with weekly without miss. and try testing you with questions and answers but when you have given your answer and opinion, the person feel you are telling lies and make you feel like you are FAT liars. Trying hard to make you a villain.

6) Who's informing your family, you need to taken care by the person as I who don't know how to respect myself in front of men. and will only leave me alone when I'm married. Well.....I'm married now...why you still so controlling? do u have the right over me actually?

7) Why insisting I must always tell everything, no secret from me? You already betray the trust and a liar who do not keep secret. then come back and sorry as just being too emotional.

8) Why always keep asking whether I'm truly a friend? to you? Can I be trusted? Will/are you being honest? Insist must every single information about me to you. is not an obligation to tell you everything actually. It is a right of each individual, sue me if you can. You betrayed and curse me so many times using what I tell you. I'm a fool here.

What would you do? is not tiresome? Giving up is the best thing as the damage is too severe till I have no energy to salvage anything from this.

Happiness comes from within ourselves. if someone tell you that you only can be happy when the person give you happiness then you really cheating your self. why?? the feeling comes from you whether you decide to be happy or sad, you only able to control the emotion! Stand up and be brave.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Zero patient with crazy talk

People do crazy talk, I'm so done with it.  If you keep susipicious and keep on thinking ridiculous events not ever happening at all but all came from your mind actually. You never trust anyone at all, do not try to put the blame to someone due to low trust within yourself.

I'm not going to waste my time retry to clear repeatly baseless accusations on me, and need to explain and try hard to convince the person been accusing you when you just do your normal daily stuff peacefully. What wrong with you?

Please do NOT try to create a normal person life so sinful and ugly when IT IS NOT.

I try my best repeatly to put trust when the person keep on testing my patient and trust all the time. Totally not worth trying hard when it is so exhausting and tiresome mentally in the end.

Just going to put focus on what is positive area rather negative area.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

you are old! you are old!

Some people can be so annoying. Each time the person see the specific person! the person so delighted to tell the person "YOU are OLD! you are old! regardless in public or private area. 
What is wrong with you? The person never did claim she/he is so young or in denial she/he is ageing. 

WOMAN! you really have issue...if  you said once can consider as joke, but you keep on repeating like a is really really ANNOYING and rude.

I don't think it is humiliating to the person been targeted, as in reality! As everyone should get wiser as getting older.

But honey, you are getting older and being more foolish as you ages. HA!