"Radziah, who has three children, said she did not use corporal punishment to raise them, but used negotiation and justification instead.
She said parents often denied a child’s request for something, without explaining why.
“It is a matter of negotiation between parents and children. Don’t just say no to a child without a valid reason. When you reason with children, they will listen to you.
“However, this process must be instilled in children in the early years, otherwise it will be difficult to make them conform to acceptable behaviour,” she added.
Radziah said parents could still be strict with their children without resorting to caning.
“For example, they can maintain eye contact with the child when telling them not to do something and then justify why they should not be doing it,” she added.
Parent Action Group for Education (Page) Malaysia chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim said it had never been in favour of corporal punishment in schools.
“Corporal punishment is the old way of thinking. Research and studies have shown that there is no benefit,” she said.
The mother-of-four said there were other, more effective ways of disciplining children."
I think it is how an adult cane a child and what is the reason the child being cane. It is quite common but it is getting less parent caning their children or teachers canning their student.
What I am against:
Some parents/adults just caning children each time they feel the child done something wrong as thinking it is the fastest method to discipline or educate a child. This is call abuse and being lazy parenting.
School grades not their parent expectation:
This is common reason where some "KIASU" (sore loser) parents just cane their child non stop eventhough the child crying in pain when the child not performing well and getting average grades in school. Think caning will solve the child school grades instantly when the parent never even bother to spend their own time to teach their child. This I have seen quite common and this is I'm so against.
Teachers who love to cane/abuse
During my school time, I seen some teachers who love to cane or beat student with slight reasons they got. They really got so minor mental issue or having stress in personal life but they might vent out to their students. Not sure whether this is still happening such scenario. However I been cane fairly during my school time by unreasonable and reasonable minded teachers.
Reasonable to be cane:
When I was not paying attention to my teacher when she was teaching, she pinched me so hard but did not cause any internal injury. After that I really paid full attention to her teaching as I'm scared of her pinch as her nails also quite long. But I know all she wanted was me paying attention to her class.
Also when children are too misbehave or done something against what adults has told them not to do but still never listen, Definitely telling the child prior the reason he/she will be cane before physical cane lightly on body areas where do not embrass them in public.
I also have encountered some incidents where I was punished in school with not justified reasons where I do feel I should NOT be cane or punish at all. I do still remember the teacher who punish me for such stupid reasons.
Caning as punishment can be good and bad. But it is really depend on who is the person punish and how they punish is important.
However children are growing up faster than our generation. Caning as punishment should be the very last resort, not the fist resort to educate a child. Nuture, not punish as the foundation of bring up a child.