Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lazy bums

I tend to dismay with those people who are working in office buildings where their offices located in different floor within the same building. Yet they prefer to take lifts rather staircase..

For daily, I tend to see at least twice...some lazy bum people will use the lift to go one floor up or down. For example: people are in 11th floor but use the lift to go up to 12th or down to 10th floor.

Why not use the stair case? Most people rather wait and take the lift rather the stair case. It is actually not good if you heavily rely on machine when you can use more of your mucsles in your body.

I do not see anyone build a lift in their double storey houses yet....but they still manage to use their house staircase as per norm, but when they reach to office...they are different person?

I don't get it at all.

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