Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Got Hive (the itch)?

Last month my skin started to have mild itch suddenly. At first I thought my skin was dirty but after thorough shower the itch were still persistent but bearable and continue for almost 1.5 weeks. Only 2 weeks later, I went to see a doctor to get medicine for the itch and allergy. However after 1 week eating the pills, the itch goes away only I diligently take the pills daily, but  when I tried to stop eating the pills for a day. The itch and allergy comes back in worse stage. Seem the medicine not working to heal as previous done when I was a child.

I got so frustrated as unable to stop the unbearable itch which getting worse as days goes by. It is affecting my daily sleep. As I'm really desperate in this stage as I google type of the skin problems out there. After looking at symptoms and images in the google, I'm having HIVEs.

I decided to go chinese medicine as I'm so desperate to stop this insane itch and red patches on my legs and hands as if I have infection skin disease. Walking in public with short is a NO NO!

Here is the chinese medicine packed into 3 packets, which must take for 3 days for each intake with total cost of MYR 96. I need to boil the medicine for at least 2-3 hours. I double boil using slow cooker it as instructed and the taste is so SWEET.

On 1st night, after drinking it, my whole lower leg and hands swell up so bad and starting to panic as the itch got worst stage I ever seen in the middle of the night. I freak out so badly when seeing severe red patches got bigger on lower hands and legs. I just put aloe vera lotion on the affected areas to ease the itch natural way, it does give me slight relief. Better than nothing actually.

Next morning, the swell start to subside and feel less itch. On the 2nd day, only small red patches visible and remain slight itch. Continue putting aloe vera lotion on the affected areas till next few weeks. After the 3rd day of drinking the medicine. All gone (itch and swelling) but must be careful with the food I consume and the chinese medicine guy said it is due to my immune system is too weak, thefore my skin (which also part of my organ) unable to do its job to protect any virus/bacteria from inside and outside of my body. This herb is help to regain back my immune system and strengthen back some of my organs to work normal. Sound like a car gone for service...sigh!!

As long as I'm HEALED, it is a huge relief! :)

In cantonese of the skin problem is call - FONG MOK!

This is just my own view only. Choose for more natural healing process when nothing else helps! 

Please DO NOT TRY to pick those medicine/chinese herbs on your own as the chinese guy is experienced and have been doing this trade for many years. 

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