Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Courtesy in KL dropped again

The latest appraisal by the magazine shows Kuala Lumpur almost at the bottom of a list of Least Courteous Cities at number 34 out of 36 major cities in the world.

1) A casual toss of a cigarette butt out of the window, a surreptitious flick of a candy wrapper into the corner when no one is watching.

> Yes, seen many time while stuck in the traffic jam or speeding the highway. Some even throw orange skins out especially during CNY

2) The idiots who rush into the lift as soon as the door opens, without giving the occupants a chance to exit.

> Yes, the last time happened was 2 months ago....when I even rarely go out of outside. It happen my place. Three  young morons just stand outside the life and blocking my pathway of exit...who insisting I let them in first. Seriously???

3) The shopper who changes her mind about buying the packet of choy sum in a supermarket but is too lazy to walk all the way back to the perishables section to return the item, so she stuffs that package into the rack at the nearest aisle.

> Yes, each time I go to groceries...seen many unwanted goods even the perishable/frozen ones just simply place into the rack before the cashiers. 

4) Diners with kids who drop food on the floor of a restaurant, leaving behind a mess. It's something they don't do at home but eating out gives them the licence to act like slobs

> Do not't expect the fella to clean up, but at least some of courtesy to inform the waiter/waitress about the mess. Most of frequent I seen is McDonald sundae plop on the floor and everyone stepping on it.

5) Kevin Mcintyre, a Scottish expatriate working in Kuala Lumpur, said he missed his stop on the train because people were rushing into it as he was trying to get out.

> Experience once during after working hour...everyone were pushing each other from in and out. Why those people rush in when the train is fully with people tend to get out from the train. It does prolong the time and the close train shut up. Because of that...I missed the train 3 times and late for my appointment...thats was the last time I take the train. Actually those LRT staff should make announcement before the train arrive as reminder to the passengers to let the other passengers to exit first before getting into the train as Malaysian need to be told what to do for now....

The things I have not seen but I have done so far...yet some people asking why I'm nice when not needed to be. Well... I choose to be la...and make me feel happy and unselfish time to time. To me, some people consider nice to strangers are odd. is who you should not categories who you should be nice or not.

1)  Signalling to the driver who is looking for a parking bay where your car is parked so that he can take your spot.

> Done many times to others as I get so annoyed with those people who walk coolly into their cars and pretend you are invisible when you looking for a car park like mad person.

2) Picking up an item for the stranger who dropped it.

> Some people are grateful and thank me for picking up. Some people just take from me and say "Ohhh" and walk away.

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