Thursday, July 12, 2012

KL crime rate (continuation)

"According PEMANDU, Malaysia's index crime has dipped 10.1% to 63,221 cases between January to May 2012 from 70,343 cases recorded in the corresponding period last year"

Well, if you calculate a rough estimation how prone the crime ocurring in Malaysia.... where we just assume 5 months =152 days, which means  416 crime case per day and also indicate roughly 17 crimes happening every hour. If compare with last year comparison, it is only reduced 2 crimes hourly. Does this really us feel safer and relieve? Hmmm.... >,<  

Well, at least we know how bad is the crime rate in here now in figures

and they also mentioned "The Global Peace Index has rated Malaysia the safest and most peaceful country in Southeast Asia, the fourth in Asia Pacific and the 20th in the world.

It is because Singapore imported weapons, heavy weapon and high military capability are rated higher index compared to Malaysia. This could just mean Singapore spending more money on their military dept. We should look on how the peace index are computated before claimed the safest country

For future reading:

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