Tuesday, October 12, 2010

my dad

I rarely call back my family especially my parents. I feel guilty as I have negligent on their need since I move from my hometown. I feel sad when I was heading to the city in a bus for further studies as I know my life won't be in the place I was raised up. The time started to play forward in such speed without any brakes anymore.

You start to enjoy your freedom and think about stuff related about you. But parents always worried whether their child is safe and well fed or not.

My dad had his stroke when I was finshed my diploma exams. He just collapsed and feel weak when he was trying to carrying my luggage from the car. He love all his children dearly but he do not know how to show it openly. He normally try show it on his own method. Not many people able to see what he show his love, even I overlook his action. Losing his mom at very young age when he is six yrs old. It is not easy as love is not given to him, and his main concern alway what can be filled in his stomach with no food given by his father each day. And try to feed his bros whatever he can find in his path.

Today, I just miss him, he not always a good father but sufficient as he is just a human being just like everyone.

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